User Experience (UX) Design Services

Our User Experience (UX) Design services are tailored to create seamless and delightful interactions between users and your digital products. With a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs, we craft intuitive and user-centered designs that enhance satisfaction and drive customer loyalty. Let us help you elevate your user experience to new heights.

Aimed at Achieving High Adoption and Conversion Rate?

Our User Experience (UX) Design services are aimed at achieving high adoption and conversion rates by creating intuitive and engaging digital experiences that captivate users and drive meaningful interactions with your products.

What UX Services Include

1. Comprehensive User Research and Analysis

  1. Our team conducts in-depth user research and analysis to understand your target audience, their needs, preferences, and pain points, allowing us to design a seamless and user-centric integration solution that meets both present and future requirements.

2. Persona and Scenario Development

  1. Based on the gathered insights, we create persona profiles representing your real users and develop various scenarios that depict their interactions with the software, ensuring the design aligns perfectly with their expectations.

3. Creating User Journey Maps

  1. By combining different scenarios, we develop comprehensive user journey maps that outline every touchpoint and interaction users will have with your software, helping us optimize the user experience at every step.

4. Wireframing and Prototyping

5. Rigorous Usability Testing

Why Edylinn Technologies

  • Experienced UX Design Team
  • Customized Solutions
  • Seamless User Experience

Why UX Design Matters


  • Enhanced User Retention with Great UX


  • Exponential Conversion Boost with High-Quality UX


  • Outstanding ROI: $100 Returns for Every $1 Invested in User Experience

What You Get with Our UX Design

Result-Driven Approach

: Our UX and UI design services are tailored to deliver tangible results. We prioritize understanding your business goals and target audience to create designs that drive user engagement, conversions, and overall success of your digital products.

Maximum User Flow Coverage

: With our expertise in user research and analysis, we ensure that every aspect of user interaction with your application is considered. From initial onboarding to seamless navigation and intuitive interactions, we cover all touchpoints to provide a smooth and delightful user experience.

UX and UI Design Service Bundle

Our comprehensive service bundle combines the power of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. From creating user personas and journey mapping to wireframing, prototyping, and rigorous testing, we offer end-to-end solutions to bring your vision to life and exceed user expectations.

Success Story

A company Increased Conversion Rate by 150% with Our UI/UX Redesign.

What You Get with Our UX Design

With our UX design services, you get a user-centric approach that enhances user satisfaction, boosts conversion rates, and drives business growth. Our expert team ensures intuitive and visually appealing designs to create a seamless user experience.

Software stack assessment

Our software stack assessment ensures a robust online store experience, maximizing customer lifetime value and optimizing performance.

Web and/or mobile app UX design

Delivering stellar UX across all devices, our design expertise increases user engagement and session duration, driving more visitors to your app.

SaaS UX design

With a focus on fast onboarding and high subscription renewal rates, our SaaS UX design ensures a seamless user experience for your customers.

What You Get with Our UX Design

Training Portal UI/UX Design and Cloud Migration

Edylinn Technologies developed a comprehensive training portal with a revamped UI/UX design, enhancing user satisfaction, and facilitated cloud migration for seamless customer base management.

UX and UI Redesign for a Mobile Banking App

Edylinn Technologies conducted a complete UX and UI redesign for a mobile banking app, resulting in an appealing appearance, intuitive navigation, and an improved user experience.

Mobile Care Coordination App Development

Edylinn Technologies crafted a mobile care coordination app to foster seamless patient-caregiver communication across organizations and specialties.

UX Audit to Help a Website Prepare for WCAG Conformance Certification

Edylinn Technologies performed an in-depth UX audit of an IT company’s website, ensuring it meets the requirements for WCAG conformance certification.

UX and UI Design for Medical Rehabilitation Software MVP

Edylinn Technologies delivered a full-cycle UX and UI design for a medical rehabilitation software MVP, featuring a patient mobile app and a doctor web app.

Quality Assessment and Redesign of a Custom EHR Application for a US Chiropractic Care Provider

Edylinn Technologies conducted a code review, business consulting, and redesign of a custom EHR application for a local US chiropractic care provider.

UX Audit of a Mobile Website Version for a Real Estate Agency

Edylinn Technologies performed a meticulous UX audit of a luxury real estate agency’s mobile website, providing actionable recommendations for higher mobile conversions.

Development of a Video Chat iOS App for Social Networking

Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Swift, Twilio services, and Node.js, Edylinn Technologies developed a high-quality iOS video chat app for social networking.

Website UX Audit for a US Telecommunications Services Provider

Edylinn Technologies conducted a user experience audit for a US mobile operator’s website, identifying areas that required improvement to enhance the overall user experience.

UX Research and Custom UX Design of Ecommerce Websites for Multibusiness Company

Edylinn Technologies completed extensive UX research and delivered custom UX design for two ecommerce websites as part of a large-scale cross-business integration project.

UX Audit of a Secure Mobile Messaging App

Edylinn Technologies conducted a thorough UX audit of a secure messaging app, identified 38 issues, and provided precise recommendations to address them.

Why You Should Invest in UX Design Now

Investing in UX design now is crucial for your business’s success in the competitive digital landscape. A well-crafted user experience not only enhances customer satisfaction but also boosts conversions and customer retention. With an intuitive and appealing UX, you can create a lasting impression on your users, leading to increased brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Don’t Lag Behind in the User Experience Race!

Stay ahead in the user experience race with Edylinn Technologies’ cutting-edge UX design services.