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Overview of Software Development Process at Edylinn Technologies

At Edylinn Technologies, our software development process is driven by innovation, collaboration, and a customer-centric approach, ensuring the delivery of high-quality solutions that meet your unique business needs.

Development Approaches We Follow


Agile Development: Our Agile approach allows us to deliver reliable software rapidly and incorporate changes seamlessly through iterative development and real user feedback.


DevOps Best Practices: With a well-established DevOps culture, we enhance software delivery and quality through Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery, automated testing, and application performance monitoring.

Cloud-native development

Cloud-Native Development: Leveraging cloud benefits like reduced costs, scalability, and advanced services, we implement cutting-edge technologies such as AI, IoT, and data science in cloud-based applications.

Modular architecture

Modular Architecture: We employ modular architecture patterns like microservices and containers to create independent functional components, ensuring higher reliability, maintainability, expandability, and faster development times.

Software Development Process Steps

Business analysis

Software development process and management

QA & testing

Risk management

Change management

Project delivery

Highlights of Software Development with Edylinn Technologies

Predictable quality

Consistent Quality: Our established quality management system ensures that projects consistently meet our customers’ expectations in terms of quality, timelines, and budgets.

Self-management by objectives

Efficient Self-Management: We minimize the customer’s involvement in management tasks while maintaining transparency and proactive risk management throughout the development process.

Clear documentation and knowledge base

Accessible Documentation: Customers have constant access to our task-tracking systems and a comprehensive knowledge base that documents all project-related work.

KPI-controlled projects

We regularly measure project health with KPIs to ensure the project’s progress and adjust the development process if needed.

Strong security

Performance Tracking: We regularly measure project health with KPIs, allowing us to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the development process.

Effective collaboration approaches

Robust Security Measures: With a focus on data security, we prioritize the safety of customer information through stringent security controls.

Additional value to customers

Flexible Collaboration: We embrace real-time and individually paced communication models to ensure effective collaboration with our customers.

Planning a Software Development Project?

Value-Driven Approach: Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our ability to bring additional value to our customers, enhancing their performance and achieving their business objectives.