IT Help Desk Services

With a skilled team of experts, we ensure seamless problem resolution, enabling you to focus on your core business with confidence. Whether it’s software usage assistance, network troubleshooting, or hardware inquiries, we’ve got you covered 24/7.

Help Desk Services by Edylinn Technologies

Help desk consulting

  • We offer comprehensive advisory help, starting with a feasibility study, sourcing model advice, help desk team setup, and cost breakdown recommendations. Additionally, we provide guidance on the best-suited help desk toolkit for your needs.

Help desk outsourcing

  • Efficiently resolving users’ issues (L1 help desk) and technical IT infrastructure problems (L2, L3 help desk) is our expertise. We also provide white label help desk services, resolving issues under your customer’s trademark.

Customer service desk

  • Establishing a single point of contact for your product/service consumers, we employ coordinated case management, rich self-support opportunities, and multi-channel communication to efficiently resolve thousands of tickets daily.

Outsourced Network Operations Center (NOC) services

  • We deliver 24/7 infrastructure monitoring and L2, L3 tech support, enabling efficient handling of your IT infrastructure issues and proactive defect prevention.

Outsourced technical support

  • Our quick and cost-effective incident resolution and proactive problem management leverage root cause analysis and continuous monitoring of your IT infrastructure.

Managed help desk services

  • We establish a single point of contact for your product/service consumers, ensuring coordinated case management, rich self-support options, and multi-channel communication to resolve tickets efficiently and effectively.

Savings and Professional Support Seem Mutually Exclusive?

Savings and professional support don’t have to be mutually exclusive; with the right approach, you can achieve both.

Why Choose Edylinn Technologies

  • Cutting-edge solutions tailored to your unique business needs.
  • A team of skilled and experienced professionals delivering top-notch support and services.
  • Proven track record of successful project delivery across diverse industries.
  • Customer-centric approach, ensuring high satisfaction and long-lasting partnerships.
  • Flexibility to adapt and scale services based on your evolving requirements.
  • Comprehensive end-to-end services, simplifying management and enhancing efficiency.
  • Ongoing commitment to excellence, innovation, and driving your business growth.

What IT Components We Cover

We ensure the stability of your IT infrastructure or its components:


  • On-premises data centers.
  • Desktops, laptops, mobile devices, Windows, MAC and Linux operating systems.
  • Cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
  • Development infrastructures (CI/CD, development and testing environment).
  • Network and cybersecurity (SIEM, IAM, firewalls, etc.).
  • Data storage: databases, data warehouses, data lakes.
  • Customer-facing software: applications, websites, web portals.

What You Get with IT Help Desk Services

Scalable IT service desk

  • L1 User Support Team for resolving usage issues and minor problems, with escalation for complex issues.
  • L2 Technical Support handling incidents through configuration, account administration, and service restarts.
  • L3 Engineers addressing code and database-level issues and implementing hot fixes.

Thought-out user guidance

  • Self-service knowledge base, FAQs, and user manuals to empower users with comprehensive guidance.

Improved customers’ satisfaction and user adoption


  • Utilizing surveys and assessments to gather feedback and implement action points for continuous improvement.

Transparent reporting

  • ·       Regular service level reports and detailed incident reports with root cause analysis, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Technologies We Work With

Technologies We Work With

  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Polish
  • Czech
  • Turkish
  • and more

How We Address Support and Maintenance Challenges


High costs for in-house IT help desk Team


IT help desk services provided by experienced L1, L2, L3 support engineers, on a subscription or a fixed-price basis


Inability to handle the varying demand for IT support


Scalability of IT support due to a large pool of support engineers on board and highly automated processes


Frequent IT incidents Well-described operational procedures


Frequent IT incidents Well-described operational procedures


Low customer/employee satisfaction


Mature processes for issue resolution + CSAT improvement plan based on user surveys and assessments

Why Going for IT Help Desk Services Is a Good Bargain

At Edylinn Technologies, our services bring tangible benefits to your organization:


  • Achieve up to 70% reduction in user errors.


  • Enjoy an impressive 96.6% User Satisfaction Score.


    • Witness a remarkable 40% reduction in help desk costs.


  • Experience 3-5 times fewer help requests from users.


  • Detect root causes 50-200% faster for enhanced problem resolution.


  • Realize a substantial 20-50% increase in ROI from applications.

Keep Your Apps Up-To-Date & Value-Bringing!

Ensure your apps are up-to-date and continuously delivering value to your business with Edylinn Technologies.