Data Analytics as a Service

Edylinn Technologies offers Data Analytics as a Service, providing organizations with on-demand access to advanced analytics, actionable insights, and data-driven decision-making capabilities. With our expertise, businesses can harness the power of their data to drive growth and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Unsatisfied with Your Existing Analytics?

Upgrade your analytics game with Edylinn Technologies. We offer comprehensive solutions to optimize, enhance, and transform your data analytics, unlocking new insights and opportunities for your business’s success.

EdylinnTechologies Approach to Data Analysis

Areas of analysis

Types of analytics

  • Descriptive
  • Diagnostic
  • Predictive
  • Prescriptive

Analysis methods

  • Analysis of business data using grouping and aggregation.
  • Analysis of business data using data science.
  • Analysis of sensor data and big data using data science.

What Makes Edylinn Technologies a Reliable DAaaS Provider?

  • 10+ years of experience in data analytics
  • 95% customer satisfaction rate
  • 50+ successful data analytics projects completed
  • 99% data security and privacy compliance
  • 24/7 customer support and maintenance services

Highlights of Data Analytics as a Service with Edylinn Technologies

No infrastructure setup and administration burden

  • We handle all aspects of the analytics solution, from design to administration, so you can focus on your core business without worrying about technical complexities.
  • Our cloud-based analytics services eliminate the need for costly infrastructure setup and maintenance, saving you time and resources.
  • With a team of experienced professionals, we ensure smooth operations and continuous support for your analytics solution.

Optimal delivery of analytics insights

  • Customized reports and dashboards are tailored to meet the specific needs of different business users, providing actionable insights and valuable decision-making support.

Dynamic reports and configurable dashboards allow users to drill down, pivot, and filter data for deeper analysis, ensuring that insights are presented in a meaningful and actionable way.

  • Our self-service analytics platform with role-based access enables users to access relevant data and perform analysis independently, empowering them to make data-driven decisions.

Data analysis is available as fast as possible

  • Rapid data analysis is a top priority, and we deliver the first online dashboard, consisting of essential charts and tables, in just one day.
  • New online dashboards are available within hours to a few days, depending on complexity, and we strive to meet urgent requests for changes in existing reports or dashboards within 2-8 hours, based on SLAs and priorities.

Pricing Models for Analytics as a Service

Consumption-based pricing

  • Our flexible consumption-based pricing model allows you to pay for the data analytics services you use, ensuring cost-effectiveness and scalability as your needs evolve.

T&M pricing (for optional activities)

  • For additional activities beyond the core data analytics service, we offer Time & Material pricing, giving you the flexibility to engage us for specific tasks and pay based on the actual time and resources utilized.
  • T&M pricing is ideal for midsize and large projects, providing transparent billing and accurate cost estimation for customizations, enhancements, or supplementary data analytics tasks.

Fixed price (for one-time activities)

  • Our fixed-price model is suitable for one-time data analytics projects, such as setting up a new analytics platform, conducting a specific analysis, or creating a custom dashboard.
  • With fixed-price engagements, you have budget predictability and clarity, as the cost is agreed upon upfront, ensuring no surprises during the project’s execution.

Want to Know AaaS Pricing for Your Case?

Get in touch with us to receive a customized AaaS pricing tailored to your specific business needs and analytics requirements.

Look at Our Customer's Success Story

Strategic Market Analysis for a Management Consultancy

  • For a Management Consultancy, Edylinn Technologies offers a comprehensive data analytics solution, including a Data Warehouse (DWH), OLAP cube, and a user-friendly web interface, available under a convenient monthly subscription model. Gain insights from a 10-year external data history, covering strategic, financial, and marketing aspects of the airline industry market. Enjoy configurable user access permissions and access reports seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.

Grab AaaS Benefits and Be Effective Right Now!

  • Access a comprehensive AaaS solution to unlock valuable data insights.
  • Maximize efficiency and productivity with real-time, customizable reports and dashboards.
  • Gain a competitive edge by making data-driven decisions and staying ahead in your industry.

Don’t Miss Out on AaaS Benefits!

Unlock valuable data insights and gain a competitive edge with our comprehensive AaaS solution.