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Enterprise System and Application Integration Services

Seamlessly integrate your enterprise systems and applications for improved data flow and business process automation. Leverage our expertise in system and application integration to achieve a connected and efficient IT landscape for your organization.

Ensure Data Integrity and Secure Workflows!

At Edylinn Technologies, we understand the importance of data integrity and secure workflows for businesses. We offer comprehensive solutions to ensure that your data remains protected and your workflows are efficient and secure. With our expertise in data security, we implement robust measures to safeguard the integrity of your data and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

What We Integrate

We integrate various systems, applications, and technologies to enable seamless data flow and interoperability across your organization.


We provide professional integration solutions for applications and systems of:

  • ERP (enterprise resource planning).
  • SCM (supply chain management) tools.
  • Vendor portals.
  • CRM.
  • Ecommerce solutions.
  • Document management software.
  • Workflow automation apps.
  • Intranets.
  • Industry-specific software (such as electronic health record (EHR), manufacturing execution systems) and more.

Various origin and status

  • Legacy applications.
  • In-house software.
  • Open-source software.
  • COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) software.
  • SaaS solutions.
  • Third-party services (payment, shipping, social networks).

Various complexity

  • Traditional transaction systems.
  • Modern solutions based on IoT, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), big data technologies.

Various location

  • Placed in the cloud.
  • Placed on the premises.

Methodologies and Architectures We Use

  • Agile methodologies for iterative and flexible software development.
  • Waterfall methodologies for structured and sequential project management.
  • DevOps practices for seamless collaboration between development and operations teams.
  • Microservices architecture for building scalable and modular software systems.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for creating loosely coupled and reusable software components.
  • Cloud-native architecture for developing and deploying applications in cloud environments.
  • Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) for building event-based and highly responsive systems.
  • Containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes for efficient application deployment and management.

Application Integration Services We Offer

Integration consulting

  • Comprehensive analysis of your existing systems and infrastructure to identify integration opportunities.
  • Development of integration strategies and roadmaps tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Expert guidance on selecting the right integration technologies and platforms.
  • Design and implementation of robust integration solutions to enable seamless data exchange between systems.

Full-cycle Integration Implementation

  • Analysis and assessment of your integration requirements and goals.
  • Design and development of custom integration solutions tailored to your specific needs.
  • Implementation and configuration of integration technologies and platforms.
  • Testing, validation, and deployment of integration solutions to ensure seamless data exchange and system interoperability.

Doubt Your Large System Integration Initiative?

If you have doubts about embarking on a large-scale system integration initiative, rest assured that our experienced team at Edylinn Technologies is here to support you. We understand the complexities and challenges that come with integrating diverse systems, and we have the expertise to navigate through them successfully.

Challenges We Solve

Applications supporting no API

We specialize in developing custom API solutions to bridge the gap between applications that do not have built-in APIs. Our experts leverage integration technologies to enable seamless communication and data exchange between these applications, unlocking their full potential for your business.

Prolonged response time

With our performance optimization services, we analyze your applications, identify bottlenecks, and implement strategies to improve response time. Our goal is to ensure that your applications deliver optimal performance, resulting in enhanced user experience and increased productivity.

Data quality issues

We offer comprehensive data quality management services to address issues related to data accuracy, consistency, completeness, and integrity. Through data cleansing, validation, and enrichment techniques, we ensure that your applications have reliable and high-quality data for better decision-making and operational efficiency.

Security vulnerabilities

Our team specializes in application security assessments and provides robust security solutions to identify and address vulnerabilities. From conducting thorough security audits to implementing security measures, we help safeguard your applications against potential threats, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.

Technologies We Work With

Get the Most of Your Integration Effort!

Unlock the full potential of your business with Edylinn Technologies’ seamless application integration solutions, revolutionizing data flow and inspiring operational excellence.